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How to Use Shaklee Basic H2 in Your Gardening and Plant Care


How to Use Shaklee Basic H2 in Your Gardening and Tree Care

Shaklee Basic H2 is an eco-friendly, biodegradable wetting agent that's perfect for environmentally conscious gardeners. This versatile product is an excellent alternative to conventional fertilizers and pesticides, and it's safe for use around people, pets, and wildlife. In this post, we'll explore some tips on how to use Basic H2 for gardening, tree care, and plant maintenance.

Spring and Fall Garden Care

Before planting and after harvest, apply 1 cup of Basic H2 to every 5000 square feet of garden using an ortho sprayer. This helps to promote healthy plant growth and development.


Mix 1/2 Tbsp. of Basic H2 with a gallon of water and pour it into the furrow before dropping in the seeds. This mixture can help seeds to germinate faster and promote healthy root development.

House Plants

Mix 1 Tbsp. of Basic H2 per gallon of water when potting new plants. For added trace minerals, dissolve 12 Shaklee Alfalfa tablets in the water. Add 2 drops of Basic H2 to 2 cups of water once a month during watering and dissolve 3 Shaklee Alfalfa tablets in the water for trace minerals.

Shrubs and Trees

Use the same mixture as House Plants to keep your shrubs and trees healthy and thriving.

Protecting Hands

Apply full-strength Basic H2 to your hands before planting to create an invisible glove and make clean-up easy.

Vegetable Gardens

Mix 1 Tbsp. of Basic H2 with a gallon of water and pour it into the furrow for faster emergence, greater root development, withstanding cold weather better, absorbing proper nutrients, and increasing growth. For above-ground vegetables, mix 2 Tbsp. Basic H2 with 5 gallons of water and pour 1-2 quarts around every plant. Apply in the evening when it's cooler and repeat every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.

Tomato Plants

Mix 10-12 drops of Basic H2 in a 16 oz. spray bottle and spray when the sun goes down or on a cloudy day. This mixture can help to prevent disease and promote healthy growth.

Rose Bushes

Use 1 tsp. Basic H2 to a gallon of water to protect against red spider and other diseases and serve as a fertilizer. Mix 8 drops of Basic H2 to a quart of water in a hand spray pump to combat aphids.

Cabbage Worms

Mix 1 tsp. Basic H2 to one pint of water and spray plants each week or ten days until worms are no longer a problem.

Green Lawns

Use 2 Tbsp. Basic H2 to a bottle applicator and spray as you would a liquid fertilizer. Shampoo lawns and shrubs with a Basic H2 solution every 2-3 weeks during the growing season to remove bugs and surface tension.

Watering Fruit Trees and Rose Bushes

Use 1 oz. Basic H2 to 5 gallons of water to repel bugs and worms and promote plant growth.

Insect Spray for Lawn, Garden, and Orchards

Spray 2 Tbsp. Basic H2 to 5 gallons of water to control pests and promote healthy growth.

Christmas Trees

Add a couple of squirts of Basic H2 to the water stand to keep the tree fresh and growing.

Overall, Shaklee Basic H2 is an excellent solution for anyone looking for a sustainable and eco-friendly way to care for their garden, trees, and plants. By using Basic H2, you can promote healthy plant growth without harming the environment or your family's health.


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